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  • Philea dedicates an article on its blog to the Community Land Trust Brussels : “In Brussels, our CLT mainly focuses on providing affordable housing for low-income people in a city with very little social housing and without any restrictions on rents, where rising housing prices...

  • We were guests of the Atypica Cooperative of Turin for the Kick-Off of the Cohousilience in a forward-looking EU funded by the European Union. Cohousilience, in a few words, is about the exchange of best practice between social housing associations. Read more about the event...

  • We, as residents, members, board members or team members, want to develop housing projects that respond to the challenges of today and tomorrow: the housing crisis, growing inequality and climate change. Since 2012, we have been constantly looking for the best way to carry out...

  • Housing prices are rising in Brussels and in cities around the world. One of the causes is the financialization of housing: housing has been discovered by international capital as a safe investment object. Couldn’t a solution to the housing crisis be to take housing and...

  • With house prices rising worldwide, international investors and speculators are turning their eyes to housing as an object of investment. What if we tackled this problem at its root through a fairer ownership system? Globally, in many places, such a system is already being implemented...

  • On November 16 in the multipurpose room at Le Nid, the CLTB team organised a training session on “group dynamic” for residents of completed projects and future residents. The goal of the training session was to start a conversation on how to make living in...

  • Jo and Cécile decided to give to Community Land Trust Brussels a house at Asse, where they lived for 40  years, as well as land to build on in the neighbourhood. “When we heard about Community Land Trust Brussels for the first time, we immediately...

  • Community Land Trust Brussels needs you! Community Land Trust Brussels is lancing a campaign from the end of the year until December 22 and is calling for support. We need you! Their names are Sanaa, Aissa, Fatoumata and Mamadou. Some had housing that was...

  • SHICC Project Partners and the Center for CLT Innovation are pleased to announce that the first International CLT Festival will take place from September to December 2021. It will consist of online events on the growth of the CLT movement, community empowerment, financing CLTs, racial...

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has not spared Brussels. Belgium took lockdown measures in mid-March and at the time of writing they are expected to last until the beginning of May. Due to this, some of CALICO’s ongoing work has been put on hold : the construction works...

  • Would you like to meet other children or teenagers in Brussels? You could share your current experiences, learn more about life in other neighbourhoods, exchange ideas for games, crafts etc. ? If you are interested, send an email to the following address Please include:...

  • During this period of lockdown, CLTB members have been sharing their experiences with us. You are also warmly invited to share yours. Please find the contact at the bottom of this page. In the coming year, Monique will be living in a residence as part...

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